Home Visitors Heathrow immigration removal centre (IRC)

Heathrow immigration removal centre (IRC)

Heathrow IRC combines Colnbrook and Harmondsworth removals centres under one management structure making it the largest immigration removal centre in Europe, with a capacity of 965 residents.

Care & Custody are responsible for delivering the end-to-end management of all residents needs until the outcome of their case is decided by the Home Office – removal or temporary admission into the UK. This is balanced against the competing pressures of safety, security, welfare needs and regime.

Our aim is to treat those in our care with dignity, decency, and respect, delivering a safe and healthy establishment which stands up to public scrutiny. We operate in a high risk, high profile and heavily regulated environment engaging with numerous stakeholders including the Home Office and Medical Service delivery partners. In delivering our services, we help residents understand what happens next, provide an environment for them to engage in activities relevant to them and create an environment in which they can reach out for support whilst building positive staff-resident relationships. Our environment is one where positive behaviour is promoted in order to support the welfare of those in our care, and our staff.

Where we are

Heathrow IRC is based in London alongside Heathrow airport. You can find us at the below address:

Heathrow IRC
Colnbrook Bypass

View map

Visitors to Heathrow IRC

Visiting hours at the IRC are between 2pm and 9pm every day. Last entry to the centre will be at 8.15pm.

If you wish to visit a resident, you must book in advance by emailing HIRCDomesticVisits@mitie.com. Please be aware that you will need to provide ID on arrival at the centre.

There is a refreshment kiosk in the hall and visitors may bring £10 in change to purchase drinks and snacks.

For solicitors wishing to book a visit to see their client, please email HARVisits@mitie.com. You will be required to fill in a Section 84 form before you enter the centre.

Please bring a £1 coin to use one of the lockers provided, this will be reimbursed to visitors when they depart the centre.

If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community hotline on 020 8607 5303.

Visitor ID

As per Home Office requirements, all visitors over the age of 18 must present the following ID prior to entry:

One of the following:

  • A passport (current or if expired within 5 years of expiry date). This can include foreign passports and travel documents recognised by HM Government
  • European Community identity card
  • Photographic driving licence

Or two of the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Rail or bus pass with photograph
  • Employer’s ID card or NUS student card
  • Young person’s proof of age card
  • Trade union membership card
  • Senior citizen travel pass issued by a local authority
  • Home Office ARC card (asylum support application registration card)
  • Benefits book

Please refer to Detention Service Order 04/2012 for specific requirements by the Home Office for visiting immigration removal centres in the UK, found here.

Prohibited items

There are a number of items which are forbidden from entry to the IRC. A full list can be provided on request or during the booking process.

Typically, mobile phones/smart devices, cash or sharp objects are not allowed to be held in possession upon entry to the IRC.

All visitors are subject to a search and the concealing of any forbidden items could result in refusal of entry or referral to the local police.

Any personal effects or items that do not meet the entry criteria can be safely stored in one of the small lockers provided on site for the duration of your visit.

Female receptionist at a Mitie Care and Custody facility